Data collection involves identification and preservation as well as collecting, analyzing, and reporting data. Electronic discovery utilizes all those processes and generally collects active data. Active data is classified as information and data that is easily available through file storage and program managers utilized by a business or individual. When collecting data through electronic discovery, the data usually goes to the legal counsel who then performs his or her own review on the data. The professionals collecting this data are simply transferring information and do not discuss the intent of the user or business. They also do not provide legal advice. Electronic discovery is useful when the only information needed involves easily accessible files such as email, calendars, documents, and databases. A computer forensics expert is needed to further analyze the data if it has been deleted or if someone has tampered with it.
A forensic analysis of data is needed when the litigation requires a deeper look at the data. A digital forensic specialist sorts through data in search of hidden files or deleted data to help provide more-reliable evidence. Here are some examples of data that could be discovered using digital forensics: Data being stored automatically. After many years of digital backups, automatically stored data may have been removed from a server. Forensics can discover this data typically located on a hard drive. Deleted data. Any files that have been deleted from the system will usually remain on the computer’s hard drive. Forensics will be used to locate this information as long as the hard drive has not been overwritten or wiped. Wiping software. Most computer forensic specialists can determine if any hard drive wiping software was used on a computer. This can help make a case that data was destroyed purposely. Digital forensic experts are brought in to produce more than data for a case. They analyze that data in hopes of finding evidence that can be used for a client. Typically, they partner with a legal team to determine what type of data they are seeking. These experts are more active with the case and can be called on in legal proceedings to defend their claims about the information.
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